Tweeter Skeeter The Rectangle

Tweeter Skeeter The Rectangle

Ricky Maher-Money-Maher-Problems, a teaching assistant at Drexel, made national news this week by tweeting to thousands of followers: “All I Want for Spring Break is Freshman Genocide.”

“Nah, bro. I totally didn’t mean it like that,” Maher-Money-Maher-Problems told a Rectangle reporter, shaking his head. “Does anyone understand what the term ‘freshman genocide’ means? Of course not. It’s a notion invented by freshman supremacists that refers to freshmen being discriminated against or slowly eliminated by weed-out courses, overly expensive dining plans and poorly maintained dormitories.”

“I honestly don’t get what the big deal is,” he said, noting that he is also a freshman. “I was just making a joke about the academic political climate.”

Maher-Money-Maher-Problems was strictly chastised by Drexel when his tweet came to light in the mainstream media and President Fly received a call from his mother. Drexel officials released a statement saying that Maher-Money-Maher-Problems’ comments were “utterly reprehensible” and “do not reflect the values of the University.”

Shortly after Maher-Money-Maher-Problems’ released a counter-statement defending his academic liberties, another statement came out from the university: “We take it all back,” it said. “We’re very confused and have no idea what is going on.”